San Angelo Stock Show
San Angelo Stock Show
Congratulations to the Muenster ISD students that participated in the San Angelo Stock Show last weekend. These students had a great show as there were over 50 goats in each class!
Brinlee K - Class 1 whether doe 6th, class 2 market goat participant
Hank H - Class 1 whether doe participant, Class 5 whether goat 8th
Cash F - Class 2 whether goat 3rd, 5th overall lightweight, Class 4 whether doe 10th, 19th overall whether doe in sale, class 2 market goat participant
Claire G - Class 5 whether goat participant, made sale, Class 4 market goat 3rd
Cooper G - Class 6 whether doe 9th, Class 7 whether doe 11th, made sale, Class 3 market goat Reserve
Maddox S - Class 7 whether doe 10th