Congratulations to JH TMSCA State Competitors
Congratulations to JH TMSCA State Competitors
Congratulations to JH TMSCA on their performance in the State TMSCA meet in San Antonio!
Number Sense: Dalton M - 2nd, James F - 4th,
Jayden L - 9th
5th Place Team - Dalton M, James F, Jayden L, Madelyn P
Calculator: Dalton M - 4th
Mathematics: Dalton M - 3rd, James F - 4th, Jayden L 9th
5th Place Team: Dalton M, James F, Jayden L, Clara B
8th Science: Dalton M - 3rd
7th Science: Dylan L - 5th, James F - 6th,
Stockton B - 11th
6th Science: Karli C - 9th, Jayden L 11th,
3rd Place Team: Dalton M, Stockton B, James F, Dylan L