Definition of Dyslexia
As defined in Texas Education Code §38.003
(1) “Dyslexia”means a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity.
(2) “Related disorders” includes disorders similar to or related to dyslexia such as developmental auditory imperception, dysphasia, specific developmental dyslexia, developmental dysgraphia, and developmental spelling disability.
Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia is the curriculum currently being used in Muenster ISD at the elementary campus. Take Flight contains the five components of effective reading instruction supported by the National Reading Panel research. This includes phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and reading comprehension.
District Dyslexia Procedures 2024-2025
Overview of Special Education for Parents
2024 Dyslexia Handbook (english)
2024 Dyslexia Handbook (spanish)
Dyslexia Handbook Important Changes for Families
Manual de dislexia Cambios importantes para las familias
FAQ: Federal Law and Students with Dyslexia and Related Disorders