MISD Education Foundation
Donations can be made to: Muenster ISD Education Foundation P.O. Box 608 Muenster, TX 76252
For questions or more information email: foundation@muensterisd.org
MISD Education Foundation Information
- About Muenster ISD Education Foundation
- Instructional Enhancement Grant Application
- Donation Levels
- Estate Planning - Leave Your Legacy
- 3 Foundation: Cal York Scholarship Fund
- Teacher Grants
- Donations
About Muenster ISD Education Foundation
Mission Statement
The mission of the Muenster ISD Education Foundation is to promote community and alumni support for the MISD. This support is intended to provide and manage funding and other resources to assist teachers and staff in delivering instructional programs for the students of MISD.
A local education foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization created to support its local schools by raising private dollars to invest in innovative programs not funded through local, state or federal taxes.
Local Education Foundations:
- Fund programs such as innovative teacher grants, professional development, endowments, student scholarships and teacher excellence;
- Connect parents and community organizations with teachers and school administrators to support academic excellence;
- Are governed by a board of directors consisting of local community members who meet regularly to manage and support the operations and programs of the foundation.
Memorandum of Understanding with the Muenster ISD.
Donations: Muenster ISD Education Foundation P.O. Box 608 Muenster, TX 76252
Instructional Enhancement Grant Application
Download a copy of the MISD Foundation Instructional Grant Application.
Donation Levels
Estate Planning - Leave Your Legacy
Supporting tomorrow’s students through estate planning is a great way to leave a legacy!
For many years now, the state of Texas has systematically decreased funding for public schools. As a result, foundations have been set up across the state to help retain teachers, important programs and supplies in their schools. In 2016, the Muenster ISD Education Foundation was formed to address these same issues. The mission is to “promote community and alumni support for MISD. This support is intended to provide and manage funding and other resources to assist teachers and staff in delivering instructional programs for the students of MISD.” Donations and/or charitable gifts are sincerely appreciated and welcomed at any level to accomplish these goals. The information below will help you understand how wills work and how a charitable bequest can be made to your specifications. It also ensures that your estate would be entitled to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.
What can you put in your will?
Only you know the special circumstances of your family members and heirs. That is why it is important to discuss these factors with your attorney. Some things to address include how you want to distribute your estate, whom you want to be executor and what charities you wish to support.
- Name the executor of your estate.
- Give your property to those you choose.
- Set up trusts to save on taxes and provide financial management.
- Name a guardian for minor children.
- Ensure lifetime care for a child with a disability.
- Pass what you choose to children of a prior marriage.
- Set guidelines for distribution if you and your spouse die at the same time.
Ask your attorney about a living will and a durable power of attorney in case you become incapacitated. Your attorney may suggest other components, but be prepared to talk about these items so you will be in a position to have a document drafted that accomplishes your wishes. Also, be sure to review your designated beneficiaries in your investment accounts and insurances to ensure they match your will.
Why Leave Charitable Gifts in Your Will?
Some individuals plan on leaving gifts to the Muenster ISD Education Foundation, talk about it with us and their friends, and then never get around to properly establishing such gifts in their wills. If you make this mistake, your estate will not realize the benefits of their unlimited charitable estate tax deduction, and our work will not receive your support.
You Can Revoke Your Will
Note that one of the articles in your will is “revocation of prior wills and codicils.” Relationships and situations change, and this article ensures that you are free to alter your will with a codicil or to change your will entirely at any time. A codicil is a written and properly witnessed legal change to a will.
Typical Components (Articles) of a Will
- Your identification and state of residence
- Revocation of prior wills and codicils
- Name of executor
- Payment of taxes and administration of estate
- Payment of debts
- Specific gifts
- Residuary estate
- Common disaster
The following is a sample bequest language that may assist you and your estate planning professional. Please remember to include the exact legal name of the charity (Muenster Independent School District Education Foundation) and its complete address (113 E. 7th St., P.O. Box 608, Muenster, TX 76252) when drafting your bequest.
Specific Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath $X or X asset(s) to the Muenster Independent School District Education Foundation (EIN 81-1182493) located at 113 E. 7th St., P.O. Box 608, Muenster, TX 76252, for its general use and purposes.
Percentage Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath X% of my estate to Muenster Independent School District Education Foundation (EIN 81-1182493) located at 113 E. 7th St., P.O. Box 608, Muenster, TX 76252, for its general use and purposes.
Residuary Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath the rest, residual and remainder of my estate consisting of property, both real and personal, wherever situated, which I may own or be entitled to at my death, to the Muenster ISD Education Foundation (EIN 81-1182493) located at P.O. Box 608, Muenster, TX 76252, for its general use and purposes.
Even though the above examples specify an unrestricted gift to the foundation, you can designate your bequest of $5,000 or more for specific purposes such as an academic scholarship, an instructional program or faculty support. It is important to specifically outline your gift, so that your intention can be fulfilled. In addition, please inform us of your bequest so that we can properly acknowledge your generous support.
3 Foundation: Cal York Scholarship Fund
Cal York Scholarship Fund & The 3 Foundation
The York family created their own non-profit called the "3 Foundation" in honor of Cal York to fund scholarships in his honor.
the3foundation.com Donations can be made to: Cal York Scholarship Fund 3 Foundation c/o John York, 3506 Cove View Blvd #1505, Galveston, TX 77554 If you have any questions, you may contact JOHN YORK by email: 4yorks@att.net.
Teacher Grants
Thank you to the Muenster ISD Education Foundation for the 2024-2025 instructional grants that were awarded to the following teachers for the benefit of their students.
-Special Education Teacher, Mr. Chris Bevers:
This grant, which Mr. Bevers titled “Life Skills’ Coffee Cart Project,” in the amount of $500.00, involves setting up a coffee cart that the
students will use to make and deliver coffee to the teachers. The goal is for his students to learn daily living skills. Besides learning the specific sequence needed to make coffee, this project gives them a wonderful opportunity to work with money in a safe real world setting by accepting cash and giving back the appropriate change. Instructional aide, Mrs. Amanda Lee, is accepting the check on behalf of Mr. Bevers.
-The next grant, titled “Speak Up, Por Favor!”, is awarded to our HS
Spanish program under the guidance of Mrs. Amy Binder in the amount of $399.60. Twenty over-ear headphones will be used by Spanish students on a daily basis to help them become more confident in speaking Spanish out loud and to become more successful when taking speaking and reading tests. The ultimate goal is for our Spanish students to be more comfortable using the Spanish language outside of the classroom.
-Elementary Reading Teachers, come on down! These ladies are being awarded a check for $1,890 for a 2-year subscription to “Reading A to Z”which will impact 275 elementary students. This on-line reading program is an excellent tool for improving reading proficiency and fluency. Also, by implementing “Reading A to Z” in Kindergarten through 6 th grade, it will help with vertical alignment on the elementary campus.
-Ag Science Teacher, Cody Martindale:
Mr. Martindale and students in his Ag Mechanics classes will be involved in building an outdoor eating area for all MISD students to enjoy throughout the year and for years to come! This is “hands-on-learning”at its BEST! He is being presented a check for $4,000.
-Our last awarded grant goes to Ag teacher, Ms. Tara Whitely. She is being presented a check for $3,000 for “Food Science Fridays.” Every 3 weeks her Ag students will conduct some type of lab that involves food. These hands-on experiences are an excellent way for students to grasp the material that has been taught in a fun and engaging way, and a wonderful way to connect the teachings of agriculture into their
everyday lives.
The goal of the MISD Education Foundation is to raise funds to
support academic programs and achievement. We would like to thank everyone who has given to this organization; your generosity is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Congratulations to the 2023 MISD Education Foundation Grant winners! Thank you to the Muenster Education Foundation for their continuous support of the teachers & students of MISD!
*Family Consumer Science teacher, Ms. Brooke Beall:
This grant, which Ms. Beall titled “Ready or Not Tots”, in the amount of $907.30, is for “3 baby dolls that simulate a baby’s varying needs” to be used by students in her Child Development classes.
*The next grant for $2,807 is awarded to teachers in our Behavior and Life Skills Program, Ms. Marie Morrison and Ms. Khara Meyers. This grant allows for the purchase of a washing machine. These students will be taught how to operate the machine to do laundry. Also, being purchased is a SMARTBOARD and wall mount.
*The last awarded grant goes to our Ag teacher. Ms. Tara Whitely. She is being presented a check for $5,000! This money will be
used to purchase a “Bovine Breeder Artificial Insemination Simulator, and a “Cow and Pig Ear Simulator”. Each of these models will give her Ag students an opportunity for hands-on-learning in the classroom.
The Muenster ISD Education Foundation is super excited to announce the 2022-2023 teacher grant recipients!
*JH Math teacher, Mrs. Amy Binder:
This grant, which Mrs. Binder titled “Muenster MATH-LETICS”, in the amount of
$429, is for “challenging math games for JH Brains” to be used by her 7th and 8th grade math students.
* The next grant for $166 is awarded to our Cafeteria staff: Mrs. Jill Swirczynski, Mrs. Tanya Jones, and Mrs. Darlene Abney. This is for some much needed kitchen equipment that will make cooking easier and faster! This grant will benefit every MISD student that walks through the cafeteria food line!
*Ms. Jenna McCarty, Ag Teacher for MISD:
Under her guidance and direction, the students in her Ag Mechanics classes will be building a covered walkway between the JH and HS buildings. She is being presented a check for $7,172 for true “hands-on learning!” This grant will greatly improve student life for all JH and HS students when inclement weather occurs!
*Our last awarded grant goes to all teachers and students at the JH and HS:
Representing this group is Secretary - Mrs. Tonia Hofbauer, Art teacher -Mrs.Bridgette Carroll, and FCCLA teacher - Ms. Brooke Beall. They are being presented a check for $1,244 dollars. This money will purchase a much needed color printer and ink cartridges that will be put to good use by teachers and especially students who are working on school projects!
The goal of the MISD Education Foundation is to raise funds to support academic programs and achievement. We would like to thank everyone who has given to this organization; your generosity is truly greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Muenster ISD Education Foundation 2021-2022 awarded the following education grants totaling over $7500!
Mrs. Thomas & Mrs. Reynolds - Flexible Seating
Miss Fuhrmann - WeVideo
Mr. Harris - You Make it: You Code it Program
Ms. Beall - FCS Class Refrigerator
Mrs. Sicking & Mr. York - Acceleration of Learning for Math & Reading Istation program
On Friday, October 25th, the MISD Education Foundation prize patrol was once again on both school campuses awarding yearly teacher grants! For the 2019-2020 school year, four grants were awarded to some exciting programs proposed by teachers. They are as follows:
1. On the High School campus, Mrs. Bridgette Carroll-Art Teacher-proposed a “Daily Document Camera.” This camera is like a projector as it displays detailed demonstrations for art project assignments. This tool will make it easier for students to understand the more specific aspects of each art lesson. This proposal will impact 96 students.
2. Also on the High School and Agriculture campuses, Mrs. Molly Sicking-Environmental Science and Biology teacher, Ms. Brooke Beall-Family Consumer Science teacher, and Ms. Jenna McCarty-Horticulture teacher, will all benefit from a Tower Garden with their “Continuing to Grown Green” proposal. This project will teach students another alternative way of raising food free of pests and for immediate consumption. This proposal will impact 160 students.
3. On the Elementary Campus, the third grant recipients are 2nd grade class teachers, Mrs. Kim Budish and Mrs. Lisa Hoepfner. They proposed a “River Ecosystems” project which will allow 5 aquariums to be set up in each 2nd grade classroom. Groups of students will be assigned an aquarium and be responsible for the care of living creatures and plants in the ecosystem. They will learn the science skills of observing and documenting living organisms using this hands-on experience. This program will impact 40 students.
4. Finally, the fourth grant recipient is Mrs. Carol Cook, Mrs. Debra Sicking and Mrs. Lou Heers. This program is elementary campus wide, because it is a yearly online reading and math program subscription. This highly individualized program monitors reading and math progress with science concepts embedded within the program. Each student works independently on Chromebooks to show teachers where each student ranks in classroom instruction. Reports are then viewed by teachers and instruction is adjusted accordingly. This program will impact over 300 students.
The total amount awarded to grants this year is $3,135.57. Award money is budgeted every year based on the annual “Trivia Night” income. The MISD Education Foundation’s mission is to provide and manage funding to assist teachers and staff in delivering instructional programs for the students of MISD. In order to meet our mission, we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. This year, Muenster Family Medical-Amy Dangelmayr, FNP-C has agreed to help with the “Continuing to Grown Green” project by donating the Tower Garden. The foundation will provide the other materials listed in the proposal. Be sure and look for progress photos on the foundation's Facebook page!
The second annual teacher grant awards were presented on October 26th during the school day. The following teachers were awarded funds for their proposed grants as follows:
Ms. Jenna McCarty-AG teacher. Her classes will finish the design and structure of the greenhouse.They will also begin planting for this school year. The amount awarded is $896 with possible student impact of 80+ AG students, grades 8-12. Community Lumber Company will assist Ms.McCarty with this project.
Mrs. Otto, Mrs. Sicking and Mrs. McCarty-"Growing Green at MISD". These teachers span across campuses to propose the building of 5 raised planting beds at the fenced in elementary yard. They will cultivate their own food, observe sustainability along with life cycle of plants, insects and other science mechanics. The amount awarded is $1045 with possible student impact of 120+ to include all science classes throughout the entire MISD. Melvin and Terri Luke's Ace Hardware will assist these teachers with this project.
Mrs. Kelley-elementary music teacher- "UKE can do it". This proposal involves the purchase of Ukuleles to instruct students on how to read music and play an instrument which will enhance students' technical skills in other areas such as reading and math. The introduction of a string instrument as opposed to a recorder is a more receptive tool in current times. This acceptance was based on a futuristic goal of re-introducing music back into the secondary curriculum at some point. The amount awarded is $1,750 with student impact of approx.105, 4th through 6th grades.
Mrs. Carol Cook-Elementary computer teacher-"We can do Robotics 2". Her proposal is for two sets of Lego We Do 2 models. Students will do computer coding with hands on applications. This involves group work and problem solving skills. The amount awarded is $409.06 with student impact of 80, 3rd and 4th grades.
One of the goals of the Muenster ISD Education Foundation is to award teacher grants for educational enhancement in the classroom. This school year-2017-2018, 5 teachers proposed and were awarded these grants due to major donations from Ford Motor Company and Southern Power. From left to right:
Mrs. Carol Cook –Elementary Computer teacher presented “Going green screen and Video Editing” for her computer classes. Students will create student-driven, directed and edited videos using a green screen and software. It can also be used to complete assignments from other classes. Awarded $199.00
Mrs. Amy Huchton and Mrs. Beth Saucer – Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers presented “the Chick Eggsperiment” –using an incubator and other supplies, students will learn about the life cycle of a chicken using scientific methods. Awarded $155.20
Mrs. Carolyn Lutkenhaus – Algebra and Geometry teacher 9-12 grades, presented “Where Math Gets Real” magazine. These are copies of a math scholastic magazine students can read when they are finished with assignments. They feature articles on math in real world applications. Awarded $140.08 for 15 issues
Mrs. Cicily Waneck – 5th and 6th grade English/Social Studies teacher, presented “Google Expeditions” – Students will go on virtual field trips without leaving the classroom using virtual reality headsets. Students will learn about worldwide culture, geography, science and math using up to 500 learning programs! Awarded $6,999
Donations to Date
Diamond Partners
Peggy Walterscheid
Mel and April Walterscheid
Anonymous - Class of 1983 Alumni (Dyslexia Program)
Platinum Partners
Universal Machining, Inc. (Robotics Program)
Tim and Ramona Felderhoff
Henry Weinzapfel (in loving memory of Janie Weinzapfel)
Tony's Seed and Feed, Inc. (Damian Hellman & Jeff Hellman)
Gold Partners
Hess & Rohmer, PC (Donation in kind)
Steven and Karen Self (in memory of Grover C. Self, Jr.)
Muenster State Bank
First State Bank
Southern Power
Ford Motor Company (Klement Ford)
Silver Partners
OWN Energy (Robotics Program)
Robert and Christine Beaulieu Weinzapfel
Carla Klement (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Anonymous (First State Bank Trust)
Jim and Diane Grewing (in memory of Mary Lou Fleitman) & (in honor of Peyton, Collin and Liv Grewing)
Brian D. Hess
Rita Walterscheid (in memory of Gary Barnhill)
Michelle Sandmann
Elaine & Bob Bruns (in memory of L.B. Bruns)
FMW Insurance Agency (in memory of Gary Fisher)
Ted and Lou Heers (in Honor of Carol Dyer and in Memory of Edgar Dyer)
Bronze Partners
Mike and Kathy Berkley
Glenn Felderhoff
Rick and Laura Sandmann
Denise Bayer
Community Lumber Co. of Muenster (in memory of Jerome Pagel & Rody Klement)
Johnny and Joann Pagel
Dan Bayer
Enderby Gas, Inc.
Donna Graham (in memory of Bud Graham)
Doug and Susan Hermes
Community Lumber Company of Muenster
Allen Fleitman
Dennis and Kathy Hess (Robotics Program)
Miscellaneous (in memory of Joseph Bohl)
Joe and Kristen Weinzapfel
A-1 Porta Privy
Hesse-Schniederjan Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Damian and Deanna Hellman
John and Mary Dangelmayr
John and Carol Aytes
Tom and Judy Flusche
Chairs for Worship (in honor of Seniors 2021)
Derek and Kim Stobaugh
Roy & Janie Monday
Craig and Connie Stoffels
Miscellaneous (in memory of Dolores Friske)
Julianna Grewing (in memory of Grewing Bros.)
Ronald and Patricia Fuhrmann
Anonymous (in memory of Dolores Lippe)
Scott Funeral Home
Laura Pagel
Emily Klement
Lucas and Leslie Hartman (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Mel andApril Walterscheid (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Miscellaneous (in memory of Harold Cook)
Brad and Mary Alice Dennison
Miscellaneous (in memory of Sherrie Hess Garcia)
Mike and Brenda Pagel
John and Carol Aytes (in memory of Pat Stelzer-Class of 1953)
Clinton and Debbie Endres (in honor of all teachers and staff)
Kay Pagel (in honor of Kristi Schneider)
Herbie and Sue Fisher
Terry and Dianne Walterscheid
MISD Elementary Teachers and Staff (in memory of Gordon Hickey)
Anonymous (in memory of Tom Fuhrmann)_
Hamric Family-Fay, Danna, Lisa and Bob (in memory of Dan Hamric)
Jim and Shirley Endres
Harold & Sug Bindel
Edgar Dyer Family (in memory of Judy McDaniel)
Ted and Lou Heers Family (in memory of Judy McDaniel)
John and Carol Aytes (in memory of Ray Barber)
Anonymous (in memory of Cal York)
Anonymous $100
Schilling Tire & Auto
Aaron and Polly Klement
Jack and Linda Flusche
Ed and Leona Pick
Jeff and Liz Walterscheid (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Superior Machining (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
John and Jodie York (in memory of Cal York)
Herman and Shirley Grewing
Stan and Janet Endres
Terry and Dianne Walterscheid
Walterscheid Oil Co.
Herman and Shirley Grewing (in memory of Bud Graham)
Wallace Inglish (in memory of Bud Graham)
Jerry and Monica Hess (in memory of Dyann Hess)
Thomas and Judy Flusche (in memory of Dyann Hess)
Herman and Shirley Grewing (in memory of Dyann Hess)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bindel (in memory of Dyann Hess)
Muenster State Bank (in memory of Chuck Fisher)
Cash (in memory of Chuck Fisher)
Tomas and Judy Flusche (in memory of Chuck Fisher)
T & K Schneider (in memory of Chuck Fisher)
Zack and Jami Fuhrmann (in memory of Chuck Fisher)
Susan Fleitman (in memory of Chuck Fisher)
Thomas and Judy Flusche (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Tim and Ramona Felderhoff (in memory of Doyle Klement)
John and Michelle Spaeth (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Donald and Sandra Hennigan (in memory of Edgar Dyer)
Linda Fette Bradshaw
Jon and Stacie Forshee
Barbara Rohmer
Debbie Sharp
Will and Julie Klement (in memory of our parents)
Jeff and Kelley Smiley
Bret and Kimberly Walterscheid (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Herman and Shirley Grewing (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Jane Dudley (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Jon and Helene Henley (in memory of Doyle Klement)
T & K Schneider (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Barbie Barnhill (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Dale and Charlotte Klement (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Harold and Sug Bindel (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Diane H. Zimmerer (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Willie and Queenie Walterscheid (in memory of Doyle Klement)
Tom and Judy Flusche and anonymous (in memory of James Hess)
Mark and Carol Klement (in memory of Nick Flusche)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Nick Flusche)
Andrew and Emily Klement (in memory of Cindy Berend)
Harold and Sug Bindel (in memory of R.J. Carroll)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Paul Becker)
Harold and Sug Bindel (in memory of Bill Flusche)
Miscellaneous (in memory of Leonard Reiter)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Wilbert Vogel)
Alton and Emily Treadway (in memory of Judy McDaniel)
Ted and Lou Heers (in memory of Pauline Mullins)
Susie Fleitman (in memory of Pauline Mullins)
Barbara Rohmer
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Pat Knabe)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Pauline Mullins)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Judy McDaniel)
Donald and Sandra Hennigan (in memory of Judy McDaniel)
Shannon and Theresa Schad
Leon and Christi Klement
Anonymous ($20)
Polly Spires (in memory of Mark Yosten)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Adam Wolf)
David and Patricia Pelter (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Ted and Lou Heers (in memory of Hank Bayer)
Muenster State Bank (in memory Hank Bayer)
Ted and Lou Heers (in memory of Doris Grewing)
Muenster State Bank (in memory of Doris Grewing)
Harold and Sug Bindel (in memory of Doris Grewing)
Ted and Lou Heers (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Muenster State Bank (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Barbie Barnhill (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Lynn and CJ Davis (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
James and Angela Hennigan (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Jim and Diane Grewing (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
John and Mary Dangelmayr (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Walter and Kathy Lutkenhaus (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Tommy and Dyan Huchton (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Melvin & Terri Luke (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Jack and Debbie Britain (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Nick and Doreen Medwid (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Mary Klement and Carol Krebs (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
John and JoAnn Pagel (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Tom and Judy Flusche (in memory of Tom Fuhrmann)
Don and Sandra Hennigan (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
Joni Sturm (in memory of Joyce Boydstun)
John and Joann Pagel (in memory of Ronnie Klement)
Harold and Sug Bindel (in memory of Ronnie Klement)